Nubo Sphere platform

Manage all your sites at a glance

  • Operational in no time

    From device registration to actionable insights in less than 15 minutes with just two easy steps. Register devices by scanning the QR code on your sensor nodes. Configure your site using our mobile or web app.

  • All your sites at a glance

    Monitor the status of all your sites on Nubo Sphere’s intuitive dashboard. Easily identify sites where action is required the most and track their status during the repair process.

  • Actionable emission alerts

    Receive notifications if critical emission events are detected to enable your team to react rapidly. Identify and visualize the location and size of the emission event on the dashboard to help determine the best mitigating actions.

Your gateway to real-time insights

From alerting, reporting to checking system health our software makes it easy for you to get comprehensive insights about your sites' emissions. We want our customers to be able to determine best mitigation practices and increase operational excellence, that's why we focus on your needs and continuously improve the user experience.



All the insight of all your sites at your fingertips. Monitor current and historical emissions per site and the health of your Nubo Sphere installations.


Real-time emissions management based on your needs. Set the emission rate thresholds that best suit your operations and we will alert you if emissions exceed them.


Accurate data analysis to help you achieve operational excellence. Identify your key emission sources and your highest emitting sites.

System health

Ensure you are always getting accurate monitoring data from your site by having full visibility of the condition of your Nubo Spheres, wind sensors and solar panels. Our system health feature will alert you if anything is not working properly.

Sneak preview

Want to try Nubo Sphere?

Get in contact with us. We are happy to demonstrate what our solution can do for you!

Want to try Nubo Sphere?

Get in contact with us. We are happy to demonstrate what our solution can do for you!