Optimizing sensor placement to guarantee site coverage and inform analytics: how Nubo Sphere turns raw data into actionable insights, part two

Nubo Sphere is designed from the ground up to provide a complete picture of methane emissions throughout the year and deliver actionable insights that oil and gas operators can rely on to localize and quantify emissions. This article is the first of three revealing how Nubo Sphere achieves this goal. All starts with high-fidelity raw data—a crucial input for advanced data analytics.
In April, the European Parliament reached a preliminary agreement with EU member states on legislation to reduce methane emissions from the energy sector. Find out what you need to know to ensure compliance and maintain operational excellence, especially when using continuous monitoring solutions such as Nubo Sphere.
The EPA's revised New Source Performance Standards for methane emissions from oil and gas operations come into effect as soon as March 2024. Learn what you need to know to ensure compliance and continued success—especially when using a continuous monitoring solution such as Nubo Sphere.