Pulp and paper

Processing wood into cellulose products is a grind.

Preventing unplanned machine downtime is essential for the multiple layers of production-critical equipment involved in this industry's abrasive and resource-intensive production processes. Predict problems, keep production rolling—with AiSight.

Value and benefits

Production quality

Quality manufactured wood products need each piece to fit perfectly. Well-maintained machines deliver precise work.

Efficient use of materials

A machine that isn’t working optimally can produce unsatisfactory results. In a subtractive process, that means wasted materials.

Asset care optimization

Regular maintenance is a reality with cutting machines–cutting parts wear out and break. Anticipate when maintenance is necessary, keep the parts sharp, and keep your machines running longer.



A blade driven by a motor, often through gearboxes or belt drives, and always supported by bearings–critical to cutting wood down to size.

Dust extractors

These machines use fans to draw air through cyclones and HEPA filters, removing dust from workspaces.

Kiln dry ovens

These systems season wood by removing extra moisture–the process can take weeks and requires optimal conditions maintained by fans and heaters.


Moving abrasive surfaces over wood at high speed, sanders leave wood smooth

Profile cutter

These precise saws cut the edges of boards into forms useful as molding or joints.


A blade driven by a motor, often through gearboxes or belt drives, and always supported by bearings–critical to cutting wood down to size.

Dust extractors

These machines use fans to draw air through cyclones and HEPA filters, removing dust from workspaces.

Kiln dry ovens

These systems season wood by removing extra moisture–the process can take weeks and requires optimal conditions maintained by fans and heaters.


Moving abrasive surfaces over wood at high speed, sanders leave wood smooth

Profile cutter

These precise saws cut the edges of boards into forms useful as molding or joints.

Faults we detect in the following equipment